SCV596 - SamDavisCamp - ConstitutionByLaws
Original 1992 version - Proposed Amendments 2009
link to SCV-MS Division ByLaws
link to SCV-National ByLaws
Original SCV596 - 1992 Constitution - PDF Scan of Original Printed Document |
Original SCV596 - 1992 Constitution - Typed Word File |
I Title
II Purpose
III Nature
IV Membership
V Dues
VI Meetings
VII Officers
VIII Duties of Officers
IX Executive Committee
X Other Committees
XI Disciplinary Action
XII Prohibitions
XIII Honorary Associations
Article XIV Amendment
Proposal Number 2 : To Number the paragraphs, and add Paragraph Headline descriptions to each paragraph as follows :
Article I Article I - Title
1.0 Title : The Title of the organization
shall be the Sam Davis Camp 596, Sons of Confederate Veterans. ( 2009
Amendment )
Article II Purpose
2.0 Purpose - Prime Directive : The purpose of the organizatio~
Article III - Nature
3.0 Nature-Scope of Objectives :
The camp shall
be strictly patriotic,~
Article IV Membership
4.1 Qualifications :
Section 1. All male
4.2 Application and Proof
; Section 2. No applica~
4.3 Application Logistics : Section 3. All Applic~
4.4 Required Votes : Section 4. Application fo~
4.5 Dues and Application
to Adjutant : Section 5. Annual dues m~
4.6 Membership
in local, state, and National ; Section
4.7 Compatriot designation : Section 7.
Camp members shall address ~
V - Dues
5.1 Annual Dues Set by Camp Executive Committee : Section
The annual dues ~
5. 2 Dues Amount : Section 2.
Dues are payable ~
5.3 Lapsed ReInstatement Dues : Section
A member~
5.4 Real Sons : Section 4.
Real Sons shall be exe~
5.5 National Life Membership Exemption
: Those with Lifetime ~
5.6 State Life
Membership Exemption : Those wit~
5.7 Camp Life
Membership Exemption : Those with ~
6.1 Meeting Time : Section 1.
The regular m~
6.2 Lee/Jackson-CSA Memorial Day Exemption : Section 2.
The mo~
6.3 Commander Special Meeting : Section 3.
A speci~
6.4 Quorum requirements : Section
The num~
6.5 Rules Of Procedure : Section
The rules of procedu~
VII - Officers
7.1 Officers Section
The officers o~
7.2 Officer Terms : Section 2.
Officers ~
7.3 Majority
Vote : Section
Officers shal~
7.4 Mid Term
Successors : Section 4. The commander shal~
Article VIII Duties of Officers
8.1 COMMANDER DUTIES : Section 1. The comm~
8.2 1St Lt CMDR Duties :
Section 2. The First Lie~
8.3 2nd Lt CMDR
Duties : Section 3. The Second L~
8.4 3rd Lt CMDR duties : Will be on the Membe~
8.5 Adjutant Duties : Section 4. The Adjutant shall fu~
8.6 Lt Adjutant Duties : Will be responsible for ci~
IX Executive Committee
9.1 Executive Committee Officers : Section
1. The Executive ~
9.2 Scope of EC Jurisdiction : Section
The committ~
9.3 Calling Meetings : Section
Meetings of the Committee sha~
9.4 Quorum : Section 4.
Four members of the Committ~
9.5 Resignation : Section 5.
9.6 Filling Vacancies : Section
The Comma~
X Other Committees
10.1 Application Committee :
Section 1.
The Commi~
10.2 Membership
Committee : Section 2. The Membership ~
10.3 Nominating Committee : Section
The Nominating committee ~
10.4 Special Committees : Section
Special committees m~
11.1 Reasons for Member Disciplinary
Action : Section 1. Any member may be suspended ~
11.2 Notice of Member Disciplinary
Action : Section 2. No disciplina~
11.3 Officer Disciplinary Action : Section 3. any officer may ~
11.4 Officer Charges : Section 4. Charges against a`
Member Suspension and Appeals : Section 5. Any mem`
11.6 Member Expulsion : Section 6. Any member discip~
Article XII Prohibitions
12.1 Political or Religious Discussion : Section 1. No discussion ~
12.2 Extra Assessments : Section 2.
No assess~
12.3 Proxy Voting : Section 3. Proxy voting shall ~
Article XIII Honorary Associations
13.1 Associate Members : Section 1.
Any male ~
13.2 Associate Member Dues : Section 2.
An Honorary Associa~
13.3 Commander Lady Appointments : Section 3.
The Commande~
Article XIV Amendment
14.1 Proposed Amendments : Section 1.
Any proposed am~
Adopted this 30th day of
November, 1992 by members of Sam Davis Camp 596 Sons Of Confederate Veterans. Amended
the nth day of Month 2009
Proposal Number 3 - To Amend the Constitution / By Laws Title 1 to add the text "(2009 Amendment)" as follows :
To amend title
I - Title
Title : The Title of the organization shall be the Sam Davis Camp
Sons of Confederate Veterans. ( 2009 Version )
Proposal Number 4 - To Amend the Constitution / By Laws Article II "Purpose" to invoke the state and national constitutions as follows :
( The added or Altered sections are Bold Italic )
II Purpose
2.0 Purpose - Prime Directive : The purpose of the organization shall be to associate in one united body men of Confederate ancestry and to cultivate and perpetuate the ties of fraternity and friendship entailed thereby; to aid and encourage the study of Southern history from Jamestown to the present, especially endeavoring to see that the events of the War for Southern history from Jamestown to the present, especially endeavoring to see that the events of the War for Southern Independence and the contribution of Confederate military personnel in that struggle are accurately written and interpreted; to collect and preserve for posterity documents and artifacts pertaining to the Confederate experience; to aide and assist in the erection of suitable and enduring monuments and memorials to Southern valor; and to instill in our descendants and in the public at large an understanding of and appreciation for the principles represented by the Confederate State of America.
National SCV Constitution : This
constitution invokes the provisions
stated in the National SCV
MS Division SCV Constitution : This
constitution invokes the provisions
stated in the MS division Constitution.
Conflicts : Where there is a
conflict between the camp constitution and the national or MS division
constitutions, the camp constitution shall take precedence.
Proposal Number 5 - To Amend the Constitution / By Laws Title 5 "Dues" as follows :
5.1 Annual Dues Set by Camp Executive Committee : The
annual dues of the camp shall be set annually by the Executive Committee,
subject to the final approval of the membership at the November meeting. The
dues amount will be the sum of the National Dues, State Dues, Camp Dues, Late
Fees, and Re-Instatement fees.
5. 2 Dues Amount : Dues are payable on January 1 August 1st
of each year. Members in arrears four
three months in payment of dues shall be classified as delinquent on (Oct
31st), with an average of six months ( January 31st )
automatically resulting in suspension of membership.
Payment of annual dues within the calendar year will reinstate a
delinquent or suspended membership to good standing in the camp.
5.3 Lapsed ReInstatement Dues : A
member in arrears from one calendar year to the next shall be required to pay
current dues and a reinstatement fee of five dollars ( $5.00) to regain good
standing in the camp. Once a member allows his membership to lapse, he
will be required to pay a ReInstatement fee of $5.00 if paid between August -
Oct of the year. If dues are paid between Oct31st and Jan31st, an additional
$5.00 late fee will apply. If reinstatements are made after February, a prorated
amount is to be paid , which is to be determined by the adjutant.
5.4 Real Sons : Real
Sons shall be exempt from all camp, division, and general organization dues.
5.5 National Life Membership Exemption : Those with Lifetime National SCV membership are exempt from paying National dues which are $30/year.
5.6 State Life
Membership Exemption : Those with State Life Membership are exempt from paying
State dues which are $10 per year.
Camp Life Membership Exemption :
Those with Camp Life Membership are exempt from paying camp dues which
are $10 per year. Lifetime camp membership for the SCV
Proposal Number 6 - To establish a lifetime camp membership by adding paragraph 5.8 as follows :
5.8 Lifetime Camp Membership: Lifetime camp membership is $200