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CFR Table of Contents (Coverage by Title)


     Title 1 General Provisions

     Title 2 [Reserved]

     Title 3 The President

     Title 4 Accounts

     Title 5 Administrative Personnel

     Title 6 Economic Stabilization [Reserved]

     Title 7 Agriculture

     Title 8 Aliens and Nationality

     Title 9 Animals and Animal Products

     Title 10 Energy

     Title 11 Federal Elections

     Title 12 Banks and Banking

     Title 13 Business Credit and Assistance

     Title 14 Aeronautics and Space

     Title 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade

     Title 16 Commercial Practices

     Title 17 Commodity and Securities Exchanges

     Title 18 Conservation of Power and Water Resources

     Title 19 Customs Duties

     Title 20 Employees' Benefits

     Title 21 Food and Drugs

     Title 22 Foreign Relations

     Title 23 Highways

     Title 24 Housing and Urban Development

     Title 25 Indians

     Title 26 Internal Revenue

     Title 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms

     Title 28 Judicial Administration

     Title 29 Labor

     Title 30 Mineral Resources

     Title 31 Money and Finance: Treasury

     Title 32 National Defense

     Title 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters

     Title 34 Education

     Title 35 Panama Canal

     Title 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property

     Title 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights

     Title 38 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief

     Title 39 Postal Service

     Title 40 Protection of Environment

     Title 41 Public Contracts and Property Management

     Title 42 Public Health

     Title 43 Public Lands:    Interior

     Title 44 Emergency Management and Assistance

     Title 45 Public Welfare

     Title 46 Shipping

     Title 47 Telecommunication

     Title 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System

     Title 49 Transportation

     Title 50 Wildlife and Fisheries


       Detailed table of contents.   Following a citation (of a particular section)

      Via a search of the LII index of all section headings

(recommended as a first search) Via the Government Printing Office search engine



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