PNA - EF2020-EF2021-EF2022 - (July-Dec 2022) - ( 03/10/2023 ) Version

Patriot Movement Endeavors - Truth Movement Initiatives - 

Note :    Email Correspondence is considered to be Proprietary between Sender and Receiver. 

Additionally;  Concise and Substantive replies are encouraged.  

 JFK  -  911ChinaBug - Quotes - DEWSpotBurns - PNA - YTVs

911-2001 CoverUp

     ElectionFraud2020KF5KDH  - ElectionFraud2020

FFQs2015PNA  -     Natural Born Citizen Issue  -  ClintonBodyCountJFK BodyCount - CASpotBurnAtrocity -   ]


The INTEL provided on this site is FOR :  Fair Use Commentary, Criticism, and Educational purposes.

All INTEL is provide via the virtues expressed in the United States Constitution, The Bill Of Rights, 

... AND ... 

The NonProfit-Educational Purposes Criteria;  Expressed in USCode Title 17 Section 107 

...  AND ... 

The Court Ruling known as : 


See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); 

Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015). 

Additionally;  Concise and Substantive replies are encouraged.  



2 days ago - 3-8-2023

Sabotage & Smear  -  FOX - Laura Ingram - J6 Footage - ShumerCrud - 




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